Privacy and Cookie Policy - Elysian Residences
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Privacy Policy

Last revised: October, 2024

This is the Privacy Policy of Elysian Residences Limited (No. 08513948) whose registered office is at 112 116 New Oxford St, London WC1A 1HD, United Kingdom (“Elysian Residences”, “we”, “us”, “our” and “ours”), and our related companies. We are the data controller in respect of all personal data we process in connection with the management, sale or rental of the properties owned by us, and we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

Whether you buy or rent a property from us, work for us, or supply goods and/or services to us, or visit our website at (Website), we will collect a range of categories of your personal data. We recognise that this data belongs to you and we have a duty to protect it. Unless otherwise required by law, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) guidance or best practice, or in order to provide our services to you, we will only process your personal data in the way we tell you or in the way you ask us to, and we will give it back to you at any time.


    1. This policy sets out how we will process your personal data. You are therefore advised to read it carefully. Terms used within it shall have the meaning(s) given in the Data Protection Act 2018 (Act) and/or the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation), as applicable.
    2. By visiting our Website, or showing an interest in any of our properties, you understand, accept and consent to the practices described in this policy.
    3. Any changes we make to this policy will be posted on this page. You are advised to check back frequently as, unless your consent is required, any changes will be binding on you when you continue to use the Website or work with us after the date of the relevant change.
    4. For more information relating to your rights under this policy, please see section 7.
    5. If you have any queries relating to this policy, please contact us at info@elysianresidences.comin the first instance.

    1. We are registered with the ICO to process your personal data in accordance with this policy and our registration number is ZA469700.

    1. Where you are interested in one of our properties, we will receive your name, email address and telephone number. This is either provided to us directly by you when you visit our Website (to register your interest or request a callback) or where we receive it from estate agents (with whom we advertise) when you register or make an enquiry with them, or where you respond to any of our online marketing campaigns outside of our Website.
    2. Where you progress with buying one of our properties, we will process your contact details (name, email address and telephone number) and home address, identification (passport) and any personal data relating to your solicitor (including name and contact details) to enable us to correspond with them in connection with your purchase.
    3. Where you are a supplier to us of any products or services, we will take your contact details in order to correspond with you in connection with the services or products you are providing to us.
    4. Where you are a current, potential or former employee, worker or other member of our staff, we may collect additional categories of your personal data for the purposes of providing you with the necessary benefits under our contract with you. This will be requested from you during your employment and/or the recruitment process.

    1. We process your personal data when you are interested in buying or renting one of our properties, or you supply related services to us, or you are a member of our staff. As such, in nearly all cases, we process your personal data in order to perform a contract we have with you. In addition we may use your personal data  for research and analysis and to  improving our services. In any circumstances where this does not apply, we process personal data only to pursue our legitimate business interests, and we only do so in ways that do not infringe your fundamental rights and freedoms.
    2. We consider the personal data we obtain is reasonable and necessary for the purposes set out in section  However, we review this intermittently and remove any inaccurate or obsolete data.
    3. Technical information we collect about your visit to our Website is used to enable us to:
      1. a) personalise and improve its functionality and security (to keep it safe and secure);
      2. b) administer and monitor traffic and behaviours on our Website for analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes; and
      3. c) ensure that we can offer you the most effective and efficient browsing experience, and make improvements where necessary.
    4. The personal data we obtain from potential buyers and former tenants are additionally stored, for marketing purposes, with Salesforcea company registered in the USA (California). Salesforce store our marketing distribution lists on their secure servers located inEurope. We disclose your name and email address to them to distribute our marketing content to you (where we have your consent to do so).

    1. Where you are interested in connection with purchasing one of our properties, we only keep your data for as long as is reasonable and necessary, which may be to fulfil statutory obligations We may automatically market to you (using the contact details we already have) about similar properties of ours where you do not purchase one of our properties and we reasonably consider that we may have another property (in a similar location and of a similar budget) that may be of interest. We do not require your consent to market to you in these limited circumstances.
    2. Any personal data you provide to estate agents appointed on our behalf in connection with the purchase or letting of any of our properties will be retained by those agents in accordance with their privacy and internal data retention/destruction policies.
    3. Where we enter into any contract with you (such as for the supply of goods and services, or purchase or rental of a property, or any employment contract) we will retain all details we need in connection with that contract for its term and for up to 6 years following its termination (after which time, we will securely delete that information).
    4. Where we retain your contact details for marketing purposes, these will only be retained for so long as you have permitted us to contact you for these purposes. Where you opt out, we will remove your details from our marketing database(s), including notifying any third party who carries out marketing services on our behalf. We will, also, not prompt you to opt back in at any time.

    1. We are careful to ensure that access to your personal data is restricted to those within our organisations who reasonably need to know in order to perform their various functions, as follows:
    2. Our centralised databases are securely stored on Cloud-based servers located in Europe by Salesforce. They are an industry-leading provider of Cloud hosting solutions and their privacy policy is widely available and well-publicised at com/company/privacy/full_privacy/. Their approach to GDPR compliance, and the protection of all personal data in accordance with the GDPR is stated at
    3. All staff receive access to our centralised database through secure laptops (all of which are password protected). These staff are made appropriately aware of their obligations to protect your personal data in accordance with the Act and the GDPR, and are regulated by our data protection policy contained in our staff handbook.
    4. .

    1. In relation to all of your personal data, you have the following rights (in addition to any rights you may have under the Act or the Regulation) to ask us:
      1. a) not to process your personal data for marketing purposes;
      2. b) to clarify what data we hold about you, how it was obtained, to whom it has been disclosed and for how long it will be stored;
      3. c) to amend any inaccurate data we hold about you;
      4. d) to delete any of your data (where you no longer think we need to hold it, or you think we have obtained or processed it without your consent at any time); and
      5. e) to only process your personal data in limited circumstances, for limited purposes.
    2. We have the capacity to extract your personal data from our databases and provide it to you in a structured, commonly-used way (typically by .csv file).
    3. If you wish to exercise any of your rights at any time, please contact us on the details contained at the beginning of this policy in the first instance. We will require you to verify your identity to us before we provide any personal data, and reserve the right to ask you to specify the types of personal data to which your request relates.
    4. Where you wish to exercise any of your rights, they may be subject to payment of a nominal administration fee (to cover our costs incurred in processing your request) and any clarification we may reasonably require in relation to your request. Such fees may be charged where we consider (acting reasonably) that your request is excessive, unfounded or repetitive.


Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy applies to this website (“Site”). By accessing our Site, you agree that this Cookie Policy will apply whenever you access the Site on any device.

Any changes to this policy will be posted here and we reserve the right to vary this policy from time to time and your continued use of our Site after any such change has been posted will constitute your agreement to any such changes. We strongly suggest that you revisit our Cookie Policy in order to ensure that you are informed of the current Cookie Policy for our site.

Our last update to this policy was: 1st October 2017


Like many companies, some or all of our Site may use “cookies”. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is placed on your computer’s hard drive when you visit certain websites. We may use cookies to tell us, for example, whether you have visited us before or if you are a new visitor and to help us identify site features in which you may have the greatest interest. Cookies may enhance your online experience by saving your preferences while you are visiting a particular site. For more information on cookies please see

The types of cookies used on our Site are as follows:

Cookie Type Details
Analytics / Performance These cookies are used only to help us to improve our Site over time, by giving us insights into how the various sections of the Site are used and how users interact with the Site, for example which pages visitors go to most often and whether they get error messages from web pages. The information collected is anonymous and statistical
Session These are cookies that are designed to ensure that your visit to the Site are as smooth as possible. Their main uses are: • Allowing us to identify your device as you use the Website, so that you are not treated as a new visitor each time you go to another part of the Site; • Ensure that the servers that we use to power the Site each serve an equal number of users, to help make everyone’s browsing as swift and responsible as possible; Noting your browser’s capabilities.

We have listed in the table below the specific cookies that we use and the purposes for which we use them.

Type Name Purpose
Analytics _ga ga is used to distinguish users and has an expiration of 2-years.
Analytics _gat _gat is used by Google Universal Analytics, according to documentation it is used to throttle the request rate – limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites. It expires after 10 minutes.
Analytics _gid _gid is used to distinguish users and has an expiration of 24-hours.
Session large large session is used to controls the type enlargement and has an expiration when the browser cache is reset.
Session CookieConsent CookieConsent is used to remind a user that cookies are in use across the site and has an expiration of 1 year.

You can set your cookie preferences using your browser. Most browsers will tell you how to stop accepting new cookies, how to be notified when you receive a new cookie, and how to disable existing cookies. Please note, however, that without cookies you may not be able to take full advantage of all our Site features. For example, we use a cookie to remember your cookie preferences and so if you delete all of your cookies you will have to update your preferences with us again and if you use a different device, computer profile or browser you will have to tell us your preferences again.


Certain pages on our Site may contain “web beacons” (also known as Internet tags, pixel tags or clear GIFs). These web beacons allow third parties to obtain information such as the IP address of the computer that downloaded the page on which the beacon appears, the URL of the page on which the beacon appears, the time the page containing the beacon was viewed, the type of browser used to view the page and the information in cookies set by the third party.

An IP address is a unique identifier that certain electronic devices use to identify and communicate with each other on the Internet. When you visit our Site, we may view the IP address of the device you use to connect to the Internet. We use this information to determine the general physical location of the device and understand from what geographic regions our website visitors come. We also may use this information to enhance our Site.


We take our users’ concerns seriously. If you believe that we have not complied with this Cookie Policy, or if you have any questions about our privacy practices in general, you may contact us at the address provided below, or by email at:

If you have a complaint, please describe in as much detail as possible the ways in which you believe that the
Cookies Policy has not been complied with. We will investigate your complaint promptly.

If you provide us with inconsistent preferences (for example, by indicating on one occasion that you consent to our use of cookies and on another by declining cookies), we will try to update your privacy preferences in a timely and accurate manner.




Contact us

To find out more or to book a visit, please get in touch
Call us on

0808 256 3745

Sales offices open 9.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday

Or send us an enquiry